Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Happily Live

Everyone's ask "What keeps you smiling?". As for me, this is the way I put the color on my own art (life).

As Tom Casano said: "Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life,  the whole aim and end of human existence".

It is easy to fool ourselves into thinking,  when I become a rich and buy what I want, then I can be happy. But in reality, happiness is avaiable to all of us,  in upon of your choice 😁. A big house, much money, new car, branded clothes won't actually make you happier, it's a simple joy in life.

San Agustin Law is my Inspiration

College of Law Office is my inspiration!

My first goal is to graduate in order to graduate I need inspiration. 

Why College of Law office?  College of Law office is where I worked as a student assistant. In which I often come there and worked with staffs, student, co-SAs,  Deans and secretary. There's a lot of memorable moment in that office and I would cherish it. 

At the College of office I practiced my interpersonal skills, in which I always wear my contagious smile. In that way I also bring an inspiration to students.